With a median household income of $60,000 and a cost of living that is the highest in the country, finding affordable housing in Hawai‘i is difficult. However, it doesn’t mean we can’t live luxe! From urban farm communities to beachfront condos, here are 5 affordable neighbourhoods for those who want to live an elevated lifestyle in Hawai‘i.
Downtown Honolulu
Downtown Honolulu has become a trendy lifestyle hub in the past few years. The Downtown Honolulu Community Review, released at the end of 2016, noted an increase in population, commercial and residential investment, and a growing awareness of downtown Honolulu among residents and visitors. Still, there are several things that can be done to make this lifestyle hub even more perfect.
Keeping in mind that downtown Honolulu is an 11-block radius, the community review team put together a list of recommendations that they hope become reality. Downtown Honolulu is home to world-class restaurants, art galleries, and boutiques, and has become more pedestrian-friendly in recent years. The Downtown Honolulu community review team identified several ways the downtown can be made more livable for all residents. The first is to rethink parking.
Kaka’ako—Hawai‘i’s Inner Harbor—is quickly becoming one of the state’s top lifestyle hubs. The area is home to many top-tier commercial businesses, including powerhouses like The Walt Disney Company and Sony, and has seen major residential investment. Residential real estate development in Kaka‘ako is driven by the high demand for quality living in this up-and-coming area. The area is best known for the Waiola Boat Harbor and the ongoing renovations of the former Pearl Harbor naval base. Both have played important roles in Kaka‘ako’s transformation from a primarily industrial area to a modern lifestyle hub. Kaka‘ako is also home to Hanapepe, a small town that makes beautiful wooden toys, bags, and furniture.
Waipahu is a growing, livable community located just a few miles from Honolulu and Pearl Harbor. With a median household income of $60,000, Waipahu is one of the most affordable locations in the state. The community is home to excellent schools, great jobs, and a variety of recreational activities. The Waipahu area is experiencing growing pains as it transitions from being a manufacturing center to a new type of economy. It’s a fact that many communities face similar problems to Waipahu as they seek to diversify their economies and build new homes. It’s also a fact that Waipahu residents are working to address these issues head on. Waipahu’s community review team identified several ways the community can be made more livable for all residents. The first is to rethink parking.
Waimea is a growing livable community located just a few miles from Honolulu and Pearl Harbor. The area is experiencing growing pains as it transitions from being a manufacturing center to a new type of economy. It’s a fact that many communities face similar problems as Waimea as they seek to diversify their economies and build new homes. It’s also a fact that Waimea residents are working to address these issues head on. Waimea’s community review team identified several ways the community can be made more livable for all residents. The first is to rethink parking.
North Shore
The North Shore is one of the most desirable areas in the state, with prime real estate prices, great amenities, and a growing population. The North Shore is a lifestyle hub in the making and is best known for the North Shore mountains, Kailua Beach, Kona, the Kohala Coast, the Nawiliwili Ferry, and the Waimea Volcanic Open Space. The area is also home to Hilo, which is best known for a large fruit orchards and the Peacock Gully and ridgetop parks. The North Shore lifestyle hub is experiencing growing pains as it transitions from being a manufacturing center to a new type of economy. It’s a fact that many communities face similar problems as the North Shore as they seek to diversify their economies and build new homes. It’s also a fact that residents are working to address these issues head on.
Haliimaile Village
This preservation-minded, farm-to-table community is perfect for those who want to live a lifestyle that is rooted in local food, farming, and community. Haliimaile Village has a small town feel with a variety of restaurants, shops, and entertainment options. Haliimaile Village is ideal for those who are seeking a lifestyle that is rooted in local food, farming, and community. The Haliimaile community is located in a rural area 50 minutes from Honolulu. It is known for its preservation-minded, farm-to-table lifestyle. The community is best known for its natural beauty, farms, and conservation easements. It is home to the Haliimaile Historic Inn and a variety of dining options.

Urban Farm Community
This is an abundance of everything. There is a community farm, urban homestead, urban farm, and a lifestyle center. All of these make up the urban community of Waikiki, which is located on the shoreline. All of these elements come together to make up this lifestyle hub. The Waikiki Urban Farm Community is located on the shoreline and is best known for its abundance of everything.
The community supports a variety of farmers, businesses, and non-profit organizations. Waikiki is a growing, livable community located just a few miles from Honolulu and Pearl Harbor. The area is experiencing growing pains as it transitions from being a manufacturing center to a new type of economy. It’s a fact that many communities face similar problems as Waikiki as they seek to diversify their economies and build new homes. It’s also a fact that residents are working to address these issues head on.
Luxury often comes at a price, but it doesn’t have to. Whether you’re looking to live in a high-rise condo, a beachfront home, or a rural community, there are affordable options available. Keep in mind, however, that living in a more affluent area may require you to sacrifice something else, like time with your family or a lower-paying job. But if you can afford to live a luxurious lifestyle, go for it! It’s worth it to have that level of comfort and convenience.